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Writer's pictureCatique B.

Fulfillment in Generous Giving

I recently had a beautiful life experience, which I can only credit to divine leading and guidance.

For a while in my prayer time , I asked God to use me in a way to use my gifts in true service . I wasn't entirely sure what that would look like, but I know I wanted to sincerely serve in a meaningful way.

I received a spiritual, intuitive nudge to share a financial contribution with children from the

community I grew up in, through my childhood church. It was a simple and powerful push to give, inspired also in part by a social media video clip posted by my sister. It was a short clip of the children's summer program which was being hosted by the church, all in the midst of the pandemic. The pure energy, the smiles and the joy of all those children - those little souls who will live and shape our future - really spoke to me.

I can honestly say I resisted the urge at first to take any action. I checked my bank account and thought about all my expenses and closed my banking app with a "Hmmm....maybe another time not right now; I have to use these funds to do this and that and the other."

So I sat on that intuitive directive for a few days, maybe weeks, but it never left my mind.

It also came forcefully to my thoughts that God will find others to use for his purpose if you do not listen, obey and submit to his will and leading.

I could not shake the call so I decided to go for it!

What made it more real was expressing the idea to my sister and asking a few probing questions of what she thought my proposed contribution could really help to purchase.

I put it out into the universe, it became real, I could not NOT go forward.

Then another thought came to me in bed one dat, why not include a friend of mine who also had a similar connection to the community, grew up in the same church, and who also might have resources he could offer in support of this new mission.

So I boldly reached out thinking, I can only get a yes or a no. Either way, I will still make the request, as my pride in the moment was less important than the greater potential good we could do together by pooling our resources.

And without hesitation, my friend's response was a resounding yes! Thank God.

We spoke and made the arrangements with the lady who led the children's program I mentioned. Our aim was to provide Educational Funding assistance, (as far as the resources would stretch), to individual students of her choice, whom she directly knew would benefit most greatly. Our plan is to take it further my expanding the Fund to include others to make this an annual program hopefully for years to come.

The response to our efforts and obedience was so powerful, it left me speechless and with heartfelt tears a number of times.

Never in my life have I felt such a deep sense of fulfillment by serving others.

It was such a deep and sincere joy to see how the funds were administered and knowing the sincere needs that were being fulfilled through our simple act of obedience and faith.

The messages of appreciations, the smiles, the tears, the supplies and even a meal/groceries for an elderly lady was all a part of the sweet mix.

The joy and satisfaction of knowing our obedience was key in serving so many people really led me to tears. I was extremely overwhelmed with pure joy and thanksgiving. My heart literally felt like it was just bubbling over with gladness.

Real, pure, unfiltered joy.

It truly feels like I was on the receiving end because my spirit was continually poured into. My joy was multiplied everyday reading the messages and seeing the pictures and sharing in the gratitude of all those who received a benefit. It was a true pleasure to watch it unfold.

My words do not justify the immense joy I felt and still feel by following God's call to action in that manner.

There is no price I can place on the value of the deep joy of sincere giving.

We gave from our hearts, knowing that our resources were provided by The One and Only Source of all things, God, the creator of all that is. With His abundant power, He would bless and increase the seed we would sow.

The multiplier effect of the joy is just immeasurable for me. I am so thankful to be given the opportunity to serve in that way. It was an honor and will continually be so, even as the vision manifests and grows from strength to strength.

Obedience is key when it comes to the leading of the Spirit.

I embrace that now.

There are moments when we are led to serve in ways that in our mind may seem to be a strain on the resources we currently have, and in our minds we question the significance of the benefit, thinking what we have to offer is so small in the grand scheme of things.

The key, however, is obedience and surrender with unwavering faith.

God will supply all our needs, and the resources and the gifts he blesses us with are meant to amplify our lives and the lives of others to move his kingdom agenda ever forward.

I am reminded of the biblical parable in the book of Matthew 13, where Christ compares the kingdom of God to a mustard seed. It's small size as a seed disguises the magnitude and reach of the large plant which it grows to be, serving as a refuge for other creatures.

I want to compare this to seeds we sow in life.

At first glance, the limited conscious mind, the logical view may diminish the true value of our offering, our gift, whatever we have to share simply because it may seem small when compared to other things.

The potential magnitude of the effects, however, as that seed is planted, takes root, grows and blesses the lives of others and ourselves is where the focus should be. We should go forward always with the knowledge that the seeds we plant, though small, will grow and help to fulfill God's universal plan through his ultimate power.

We must believe, trust and understand that God will use us in His own powerful way, once we are open to his leading. He freely gives us the choice to allow ourselves to be used by Him. The fulfillment and the joy of obediently using our gifts to serve is something I truly encourage us to make a continuous part of our lives.

I heard it said by the late Dr. Myles Munroe, we know its a directive from God when it doesn't benefit only us. There is no selfish directive issued by God, so that is a measure of the true source of the instruction and the intuitive guidance.

Let us be completely open to obedient service and generosity. Our expression of this will differ as uniquely as each of us is unique. But with sincerity of spirit, let us be generous and continue to move the world forward.

The cycle of positive energy that flows from generosity is so powerful.

Your obedience and actions can also become the catalyst for someone else who decides to offer their resources and talents and gifts in service of others.

Our generosity can only serve to make the world a more beautiful place to live in and reflect the kingdom and original design of the Creator.

Generosity creates meaningful fulfillment, increased abundance, and deep joy.

Bless someone today with your giving. :)

Bless others and be blessed.

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