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Writer's pictureCatique B.

Clarity and Purpose for Peace, Focus & Strength

As focused, organized and positive as we try to be, there are just some things that will come up to try to block your flow of creativity, success, well-being and try to take you off course. Some of these things arise from the well-meaning or "not so well-meaning" beliefs and actions of others. Sometimes its from the people whose opinions and behavior literally have the capacity to make a huge impact on you - like it or not. Other times, the personal connection is more distant but still able to make a real dent.

So what can you do in the face of some of the most confusing, upsetting, earth-crumbling moments - when the normal and most reasonable response would be to either sink deep into the nearest crater, ditch - anything really - or explode with flames, fury and tears at everyone in sight?

Well, I faced one such moment within recent months.

What kept me not only calm, but happy and grateful even, was a layered approach.

It was one that pulled together the benefits of some small, but powerful steps I decided to take.

I looked at the situation and realized that that I had to align my heart with God's heart, the highest power and decide to... forgive.

A conscious choice to forgive.

I made the choice knowing that if I were truly a child of God, then I had to give what I would expect, not only from those around me, but from God himself. I realized that I myself

was in no way immune to making mistakes....and in my lapse moments, forgiveness is the starting point to the path forward.

Somehow, by divine inspiration, that very idea was the underlying theme of a sermon I had listened to that very morning a few hours before by Minister Joel Osteen - something about God knowing the heart. It instantly connected, and I realized that I had to align with God and look beyond the surface. I had to analyse and determine for myself, what was truly the nature of the heart?

The strength to apply that idea did not just come from listening to the message itself. It was a part of the foundation for the building up of a deep layer of beautiful strength. This strength was grounded in an unexpected source - the true expression of GRATITUDE - real, deep, honest gratitude.

As I reflect, it is the only answer I have - my gratitude that day protected my peace.


For the very first time that morning, I had written down several things I was truly thankful for.

I had never ever done that before, but earlier that day I had decided I would start to make it a habit. I wrote a few pages full. My face was literally beaming with joy and good energy writing each line, I was in an elevated mental state - the feeling that only comes from feeling truly happy and thankful.

I had woke up early, listened to some wonderful inspirational videos. I did some exercise, my blood was flowing I was feeling amazing. I remember sending my husband a random text message while at work just expressing how joyful I felt to share our life and our home.

I had begun to become intentional with my goal-setting and I had clearly written

them down. They were no longer a mental checklist, but a tangible guide that were visible whether or not circumstances or my mood impacted my focus! There is something amazing about writing something down. It makes it so much more real. It's also like it's energized twice, first by your thought energy, and second by your pen to paper.

Overall, I felt great! I felt abundantly well and completely full of joy and peace, knowing that I was clear, inspired and pumped! :)

So when I experienced a full 180 'blow', much to my own surprise:

I was not floored.

I did not sink.

I did not explode.

A strength came over me that I can only describe as divine, and I consciously decided that I would not and could not be broken.

Clarity and purpose gave me strength.

I was clear on where my focus needed to be.

I was clear on what I already possessed, and what was already being provided for me by the divine.

I knew clearly, even in the moment, that I had to be able to see beyond the surface

of the problem.

Clarity, from a focused and positive mind, and peace from a truly grateful heart helped to give me the strength I needed to remain focused - in spite of the situation.

I would encourage everyone to build the habit of securing your mental clarity and your peace.

Create routines and systems that allow you to deepen your life's joy and strengthen your faith muscle on a daily basis. Nourish your mind and spirit just as devotedly as you nourish your body.

I believe this will have two important effects:

1) It will significantly enrich our most joyful days, when everything is right with the world


2) We will be strengthened for the days when resistance of all kinds shows up.

As I shared, my low-point survival kit involved :

* Listening to inspirational videos and sermons

* Expressing true gratitude to God and those I love

* Being clear and focused on my goals

* Exercising

* Showing forgiveness

Do what works best for you, with clarity, peace, grace and gratitude and share with us if this continued approach makes a positive difference in the way we all navigate life on our journey to Self-Actualize.

Be blessed :)

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