Love... that all encompassing feeling that captures the essence of our true intended state of being.
The currency of life some may say.

In some circles it is said the highest level of vibration is that of love.
Christ told us that …"the greatest of these is love."
We are told to "love one another, for love is of God..."
"Love thy neighbor as thyself."
"God is love." Photo by Ditto Bowo on Unsplash
The practicality of living a life filled with love has sparked new interest for me.
I find myself thinking, well what if everything we do is enveloped in a sense of true love, knowingly or not.
It could now become a sense of being where everything that we have to do is being done because of a sense of love and care for ourselves, others and our environs.
This is a new train of thought for me, it may very well be obvious to others but it's now a conscious thought of mine, and I never really stopped to think about it prior.
Practically speaking, in all its literalness here are some practical experiences it could boil down to:
a) We go to work in order to give of ourselves and our time to create a product or a service benefit for other people in the universe because we have a sense of love and care for our fellow humans' well-being and wish to serve and help.
b) We do our household chores (be it laundry, cleaning dust and dirt, doing name it) because we love and respect our space and environment and all the friends and family we experience life with. Our sense of self love also dictates that our homes, our spaces are clear and harmonious for us and those with whom we encounter to thrive in.
c) We lift someone's spirits with an unexpected call, an expression of care, a

thoughtful conversation, a gift.
d) We recommend a business, a great restaurant, a helpful tip to someone we barely know because our underlying sense of love wants their life experience to be increasingly optimized, filled with the best life has to offer. We also care enough for the people whom we recommend for them to experience good success. Photo by Mandy von Stahl on Unsplash
e) We protect private and public property out of a sense of love and care for the people whose efforts led to their creation and continued upkeep and to ensure their value is maintained and experienced richly by others.

There are so many more ways love manifests in our practical lives and we never really stop to think about it in detail.
It follows then, that it may be just as easy to unknowingly deviate from expressing and outpouring love into our world, our universe, to our fellow humans, in our environments & spaces, and even to ourselves
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash
We have to exercise care with everything we think, do and say to ensure we are expressing love and not doing the exact opposite to some degree.
Everything is rooted in cause and effect. There is always an underlying reason for an outcome.
I ask you to consider if our expressions of love in a practical way outnumber the occasions when we think and behave selfishly, with a sense of lack and negativity.
I believe in a practical way, we need to reassess ourselves to make sure that we are not unknowingly sabotaging harmony across different areas of our lives by neglecting to live and express love in our world.

Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash
We are taught that energy is never lost, it keeps being transferred.
If our lives, and all that exists is energy, then the energy we emanate must be as harmonious, pure and filled with love as much as we possibly are able.
If what goes around, comes around then we will expect nothing but a predominance of love and truly harmonious and positive conditions in our lives, in all aspects.
We will have a sense of certainty that "all things will work together for our good" because love and goodness is what we pour out into our world, and that is what we expect and believe will dominate our life experiences.

If we could all live it, breathe it, give it, accept it, appreciate it everyday in all its fullness and richness.
That must be what true bliss really is.
This was a pleasure to create. :)
Health, Wealth and Love to you all.
Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash